Friday, November 22, 2013

three announcements - please read carefully

1)  I won't be in class today, so you should work quietly on the Peace Corps Challenge.  Instead of just racing to finish it, be sure to take notes along the way so you can address the challenges of drought, malaria, dirty water, etc.  Be prepared to discuss your notes in class next week.  Don't forget to blog.

2)  I will not be giving any tests or quizzes on Economic Geography and Microfinance before we go on Thanksgiving break.

3)  If you are one of the people who is very unhappy with your grade on the World Leaders test, here is an opportunity for you.  You may take another open-blog World Leaders test next Monday (11/25) after school.  If you pass this test, I will change your grade to a 70 (in time for mid-quarters).  You have this weekend to update your blog so you are prepared for the retest.  Check my blog over the weekend to find the location where this retest will be given.  This retest will be given only one time - at 3:00 Monday afternoon - so clear your schedule if you want to take advantage of this opportunity.

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