Friday, November 1, 2013

Second Chance

Life doesn't always give you second chances.  But this time around, I'm going to.

I was not happy with the results of the test you just took on culture and religion, and many of you probably weren't either.  So I am going to give you another shot at it.

On Monday, the first thing all three sections will do is retake the test.  If you do better on it the second time around, I will enter that grade.  If your grade goes down, you keep the first grade.  (Section 1 - and people who were absent Friday - since you have all weekend to prepare, Monday will be your only shot at this test.  Make the most of it!)

I have two requests: look at my PowerPoint closely, actually study it, and be ready for the retest.  And - since many of you don't look at my blog (sigh) - spread the word about the retest.  Give everyone a fair shake at improving their grade.

Have a great weekend, and I'll see you on Monday.

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