Monday, November 25, 2013


The retest will be given in the BROWN ROOM today (Monday) at 3:00.  Bring your computer, since you will be able to use YOUR blog on this retest.  This is the only opportunity you will have to retake the World Leaders test.  

See my previous blog for more details on the retest.

Friday, November 22, 2013

three announcements - please read carefully

1)  I won't be in class today, so you should work quietly on the Peace Corps Challenge.  Instead of just racing to finish it, be sure to take notes along the way so you can address the challenges of drought, malaria, dirty water, etc.  Be prepared to discuss your notes in class next week.  Don't forget to blog.

2)  I will not be giving any tests or quizzes on Economic Geography and Microfinance before we go on Thanksgiving break.

3)  If you are one of the people who is very unhappy with your grade on the World Leaders test, here is an opportunity for you.  You may take another open-blog World Leaders test next Monday (11/25) after school.  If you pass this test, I will change your grade to a 70 (in time for mid-quarters).  You have this weekend to update your blog so you are prepared for the retest.  Check my blog over the weekend to find the location where this retest will be given.  This retest will be given only one time - at 3:00 Monday afternoon - so clear your schedule if you want to take advantage of this opportunity.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wanzuzu may be fictional, but it has real-world problems

Our imaginary African village has problems that affect many real people in developing countries - malaria, drought, poverty, to name a few.  I am hoping that this exercise alerts you to the existence of their situation, but also lets you know that many solutions can be found, and that the situation is not necessarily hopeless.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

from World Leaders to Economic Geography

Sections 1 and 7 reviewed their World Leaders tests today in class; Section 3 will do the same tomorrow.  We will move on to Economic Geography, which will be a project-based unit, based around the study of microloans to people living in developing countries.  If you want a sneak peek at what we will be doing in class tomorrow, take a look at the first three links I have listed in my Links sidebar (Microfinance, About Microfinance, and Peace Corps Challenge).  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

the long-awaited World Leaders test

That wasn't so bad, was it?

Section 3 - you're up tomorrow.  Open blog test on World Leaders.  Come to class ready to go: pen or pencil, computer charged, brain engaged.  It's a short class due to the Godspell  presentation, but you should have enough time if you hit the ground running.

Then you're all off for three days!  It doesn't get much better than this.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Test tomorrow! (for Sections 1 and 7)

Tomorrow we will take a test on Political Geography, focusing on the World Leaders we have studies in class.  My PowerPoint is still posted, and you should refer to that to make sure your blog is up-to-date and accurate.

Section 3, your test will be given on Thursday.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sections 1 and 7: test Wednesday; Section 3: test Thursday

I'm just loving the level of involvement from you guys!  It appears that you're genuinely interested in who these world leaders are, where they came from, and what they are about.  Remember to stay on task in class as you update your blogs with this new information.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

leaders on the world stage

On Friday we reviewed the last test.  Since many seemed to have difficulty with it, I definitely recommend holding on to your copy so you can review it next month when you take your semester exam in Human Geo.

Yes, the exam is in about five weeks.

As promised, I have posted my epic PowerPoint on World Leaders.  It is one of my finest works, and well worth a look.  Use it to make sure the information you have on your blog is accurate and complete.

The test on Political Geography will be Wednesday for Sections 1 and 7, and on Thursday for Section 3.  If you don't wait until the night before the test to study this material, you will certainly have better success on the test.

Finally, thank you for pointing out the error I made on the last test.  I promised to make the three-point adjustment, but I changed my mind, and have adjusted your grade by five points, to make up for the aggravation, and to thank you for the increased level of class participation.  Keep up the fantastic work!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

...and Section 3 catches up

Section 3 met today, and continued to research world leaders.  Details of the assignment are the same as I posted yesterday; reprinted below for your convenience.

Tonight's assignment:  take each world leader listed on your blog, and find two important facts about them that have to do with their leadership qualities or style.  The purpose is to learn about their effectiveness as the leaders of these important nations.  These might have to do with their personal background, their education, their professional experience, their belief system, or any other aspects of their lives that you think shaped them as leaders.  This will count as your blog posting for today.

Please cite the source you used to find this information. 

Lastly, it would be a good idea to start looking at a world map with an eye toward identifying the locations of all these countries.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tonight's assignment:  take each world leader listed on your blog, and find two important facts about them that have to do with their leadership qualities or style.  The purpose is to learn about their effectiveness as the leaders of these important nations.  These might have to do with their personal background, their education, their professional experience, their belief system, or any other aspects of their lives that you think shaped them as leaders.  This will count as your blog posting for today.

Please cite the source you used to find this information. 

Lastly, it would be a good idea to start looking at a world map with an eye toward identifying the locations of all these countries.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

tonight's assignment

Tonight's assignment is for Sections 1 and 7 only.  Section 3, being a day behind, will do this assignment tomorrow night.

This assignment was originally discussed in class and is found on the Political Geography PowerPoint, found in my Links sidebar.

Research the following twelve countries and their leaders, by identifying the following:
  • name of country
  • type of government
  • leader's name
  • leader's title
  • photograph of this leader
The countries: Mexico, Germany, Venezuela, China, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, India, France, Iran, Afghanistan, Brazil, and Israel.

Use the CIA Factbook for your research, and Google images for the photos. In some cases, there will be two leaders of the country. I recommend listing them both, but pay particular attention to the Head of State.

Post this assignment to your blog. That is the only blog assignment for tonight. This is due before the start of class tomorrow, and is worth 60 points.


Egypt is a republic.

The leader is (interim) President Adly Mansour.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Political Geography

Two of my sections met today.

Two sections took the Cultural Geography/Religion test.  (Section 3 gets their shot at the retake tomorrow.)

Two sections were presented with the concepts of country, nation, State, and nation-state.

Two sections seemed puzzled by these definitions.

But two sections were completely dazzled by the oratorical skills of Richard Campanero of the Department of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

I will see you all tomorrow!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Second Chance

Life doesn't always give you second chances.  But this time around, I'm going to.

I was not happy with the results of the test you just took on culture and religion, and many of you probably weren't either.  So I am going to give you another shot at it.

On Monday, the first thing all three sections will do is retake the test.  If you do better on it the second time around, I will enter that grade.  If your grade goes down, you keep the first grade.  (Section 1 - and people who were absent Friday - since you have all weekend to prepare, Monday will be your only shot at this test.  Make the most of it!)

I have two requests: look at my PowerPoint closely, actually study it, and be ready for the retest.  And - since many of you don't look at my blog (sigh) - spread the word about the retest.  Give everyone a fair shake at improving their grade.

Have a great weekend, and I'll see you on Monday.

the end of one unit, the start of another...

Today's test signals the end of the Cultural Geography unit.  On Monday we take a look at Political Geography.

Test scores have been posted.

Side note to Section 1 - be prepared to walk in and test at the start of class Monday.

And, everyone, don't forget to blog!