Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mr. Schick's mailbag

Hi, Human Geo fans!  Time to open up the ol' mailbag and see what you guys are up to!

Sara D. from the 03 section asks, "For the exam do we have to know the world leaders? Do we have to know all of the details about each president, and what they did in their childhood, and how they became president? Mainly do we have to know the details about the world leaders?"

You bring up a good point, "Sara!"  Yes, you need to know details about the world leaders.  But when you guys did those mini-reports, you all covered a LOT of ground.  And each section took their own approach.  So, I would suggest concentrating on the details in my PowerPoint, found here:

Charlotte H. from section 07 asks, "I have a question about the essay on the exam tomorrow. Should explain each point like why you taught it to us or why you taught us that section in particular? I know this may seem confusing, but I felt the need to ask."

Great question, "Charlotte!"  There are five units that we covered this semester: Introduction (Excellence), Population and Migration, Cultural Geography, Political Geography, Economic Geography. 

So, on the essay, you should write five paragraphs: one on each unit.  It is somewhat up to you as to how you approach the essay.  Think about why I chose the material in each unit; what made this material important; how the different elements (vocab terms and a video, for example) worked together; what everything you learned in the unit meant to you personally.  It is okay to write in the first person if that helps.  If you feel like adding one last paragraph to sum up the entire essay, and wrap it up into one neat package, that might be something that would impress your teacher.

Thanks for all your letters, fans!  I'll be checking throughout the evening to see if there are any more letters.  In any case, good luck tomorrow!

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