Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cultural Geography - and the end of the First Quarter

End of the First Quarter.
Here is my dilemma.  Many of you want me to give you a test on Cultural Geography before the end of the quarter, so you have the opportunity to raise your grade.  But I don't think I can do justice to the topic of Culture by racing through it that quickly.  So here is my compromise.

We will take a 50-point quiz on Friday on the PowerPoint material we have covered in class.  I will also include a 50-point Class Participation grade.  Both these grades will be entered (along with your blog grades) in the first quarter.  Next week, we will continue to cover language, religion, and ethnic heritage, giving it the attention it deserves.  When we are done, we will take a 100-point unit test, like we always do.

Get it?  Got it?  Good.

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