Sunday, September 15, 2013

grading your blog posts

I have posted all the grades for all the assignments you have turned in so far.  We are three weeks into the school year, and many of you have started out great, especially when it comes to being in the habit of blogging every time we have a class.  

If you skipped a blog, you lost two points.  If you posted, but were a day late, you got just one out of two points.

Don't freak out if your grade is lower than you would like.  You have a 100-point test this Friday which will be a better indication of where you actually are, grade-wise.  

Some of you have received emails from me, perhaps because there are no blogs or very few blogs on your page.  Get back to me right away so we can fix the situation.

Blogging hints:
  • Some of your blogs are getting shorter and shorter.  Starting next week, I will dock you a point if your blog is fewer than 150 words.  Be thorough and comprehensive with your notes and your blogging.  It will pay off for you in many ways. 
  • As a point of reference, the word "next" in the previous paragraph is the 150th word in this post.  So, that's pretty much what 150 words looks like.  Your post can definitely be longer than that, and probably should be.
  • Don't title your post "9/10/13" or "Today's Blog."  A title like "Does Globalization Affect Us?" or "Socrates was Awesome" or "Today Carly taught the class" or "a cool video about technology" is much more useful when you want to go back and find a particular subject in your notes.
  • Occasionally, I will comment directly to you right on your blog.  This can be a very good thing, or not.  Make sure you read my comments.  (You are always welcome to comment on my blogs, too.  Just keep in mind that all comments can be publicly viewed, and you can be ID'ed on it.)
  • Feel free to include pics or videos in your blog if it will help you.  These are not just for me to read, but for you to refer back to, especially for the purposes of test review.  See me if you need help on how to do this.
I feel like we are off to a terrific start in Human Geo.  Your freshman class is pretty awesome, and I only say that because I really mean it.  I want to extend a special thanks to the sections that are rocking the class participation.  It's much more fun and interesting, for you and for me, when you guys speak your mind in a class like this.

As always, see me or email me with your questions or problems.

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