Friday, September 13, 2013

Globalization - pro and con

Today you all formed groups and began a mini-research project.  Through the use of legitimate websites, you are seeking out information about whether globalization is a fair system for all involved, or if developing countries are being left behind.  You are being asked to assemble evidence from a variety of sources, then make up your own minds on this issue.  (Get used to this "making up your own minds" thing - it's what you should be doing for the rest of your lives.)

You did a great job in class organizing yourselves into groups, and starting your Google presentations.  Be sure to incorporate images and even videos into your project - it is more effective than just endless bullet points.

If you would like to work on this over the weekend, you are encouraged to do so.  Don't forget to blog about today's class tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks for a great week, and have a terrific weekend!

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