Monday, January 13, 2014

classwork for today

Here is the link to a video called Guns, Germs, and Steel.  In class today help your sub hook up their computer (or one of your computers) to the LCD so everyone can watch at once.  Ms. Willan (room 109) or Ms. Markel (room 107) can assist with connection to LCD and speakers.  You will all watch up to the 22:30 mark, taking notes in your notebooks (not on your computers) as you watch.  The video features a scientist named Jared Diamond, who has a theory about why some civilizations were able to thrive, prosper, and form cities, and why other civilizations did not develop.  You can use the rest of class to post to your blog, writing about whether or not you agree with Diamond's theory, and why.

Also, due to all the missing days and short classes, we will not be able to take our test Wednesday.  When I get back to class I will tell you the new plan.

Thanks for your patience, and for taking care of your sub!

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