Friday, August 30, 2013

A Letter to Garcia

Today in class, I ranted.  I ranted on behalf of Elbert Hubbard, who wrote A Message to Garcia over 100 years ago.  (This essay is linked under Links That Don't Stink.)  I ranted about people who don't work hard, and I raved about people who do.  In short, I ranted about excellence.

Your follow up assignments are as follows:  
  • Construct a five point action plan, describing five specific ways that you will ensure that you have a successful freshman year at John Carroll.
We will discuss the concept of excellence as defined by the ancient Greeks.  Therefore, you will define the following terms and concepts:
  • agora
  • arete
  • polis
  • the year 508 BC
  • Socrates
  • the death of Socrates
  • the Socratic method
  • what the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot
Post all this to your blog.  The action plan is due before midnight Saturday night; the definitions are to be posted before the next class.

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